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Comptes rendus – Book review

Johnston R.J. & Sidaway J.D., eds., Geography and geographers, Anglo-American human geography since 1945

London, Arnold, 2004, 6th Ed., 527 p.
Julien Vandeburie
p. 517
Référence(s) :

Johnston R.J. & Sidaway J.D., eds., Geography and geographers, Anglo-American human geography since 1945, London, Arnold, 527 p.

Texte intégral

1This well-known book is in its sixth edition and focuses on Anglo-American geographers, with a historical/thematic point of view. Chapters are presented in the following order: 1. The nature of an academic discipline; 2. Foundations; 3. Growth of systematic studies and the adoption of ’scientific method’; 4. Human geography as spatial science; 5. Humanistic geography; 6. ’Radical geographies’; 7. Postmodern geographies; 8. Feminist geographies; 9. Applied geography and the relevance debate; 10. A changing discipline.

2It contains an interesting bibliography and is a also an excellent reference in Anglo-American epistemology.

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Référence papier

Julien Vandeburie, « Johnston R.J. & Sidaway J.D., eds., Geography and geographers, Anglo-American human geography since 1945 »Belgeo, 4 | 2005, 517.

Référence électronique

Julien Vandeburie, « Johnston R.J. & Sidaway J.D., eds., Geography and geographers, Anglo-American human geography since 1945 »Belgeo [En ligne], 4 | 2005, mis en ligne le 29 octobre 2013, consulté le 18 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Julien Vandeburie

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